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EllyTranHa (Elly Kim Hong)個人簡歷
暱稱Elly,1993年6月8日生於越南胡志明市,中越混血兒。 2000年全家遷往上海,身高168cm,三圍88-58-90,雖不知道用的是什麼長度單位,但其傲人的上圍是顯而易見的。 2009年8月,因一組圖片而迅速爆紅全球網絡。國外媒體稱其為Hot Vietnamese model,國內網友則親切的叫她越南版瑤瑤。
早在Elly小的時候,她的母親Irina就致力於把她培養成為一名模特。幼年在越南時就曾拍過多部廣告,在當地也小有名氣。後移居上海,過著普通人的生活,期間回越南拍攝過多組寫真。 2006年與母親和弟弟移居美國。就讀於新澤西一所高中,因其亞裔的血統和火辣的身材,曾在學校引起小範圍的轟動,並一度被傳為是日本人。之後成為母親Irina名下廣告公司的簽約模特,參與拍攝多部廣告作品。
Elly Tran Ha
she have been around the internet for quite some time already. She is not celebrity or any famous figure. Her fame started when her photos were circulated around the internet by people who love to keep her photo. Well, she’s cute in fact. If not, why I bother post about her here?
She is from Vietnam, very impressive! I never know that Vietnam girls were up to this beautiful, no way! But if we flash back to world history during the Vietnam war… Now, I know why American soldier cannot resist “Vietnam Rose”.
Real Name: Tran Ha
Nick Name: Elly
Birthday: 08/06/1987
Weight: 101 lbs
Height: 5″5
Measurements: 88-58-90
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